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Learning the Lege: The Halfway Mark

Learning the Lege: The Halfway Mark

The regular Texas legislative session ends at midnight on May 31st, which means we're somewhere in the middle of session. This is when everything is moving and through various stages in the House and Senate, so we figured we'd take a moment to catch you up on where we...

Take Action: Make A Public Comment Opposing HB 1173!

Take Action: Make A Public Comment Opposing HB 1173!

House Bill 1173 would ban local governments from budgeting their funds to provide practical support services for people seeking abortion care. This bill is a direct attack on the funding for abortion practical support created by the City of Austin in 2019. HB 1173 has...

Take Action: Make A Public Comment Opposing HB 1171!

Take Action: Make A Public Comment Opposing HB 1171!

House Bill 1171 is an appalling bill that would allow the appointment of a guardian or attorney ad litem for the fetus in a judicial bypass proceeding. HB 1171 has a public hearing this Wed, March 31 at 8am in the House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence committee. We...

Learning the Lege: It’s Time to Call Your Senator!

Learning the Lege: It’s Time to Call Your Senator!

When an organization like Jane's Due Process says, "Call your Rep! Call your Senator!" you might feel nervous if you've never done it before. The organization will usually give you a reason to call -- like, "Tell them to oppose abortion restrictions!!" or, "Tell them...

Jane’s Due Process Testifies Against SB 650

Jane’s Due Process Testifies Against SB 650

On Monday, March 15th, Senate State Affairs committee is hearing SB 650, a bill that will ban local governments from supporting people seeking abortion access. Because the Senate rejected calls to make public hearings COVID safe, our executive director Rosann...

It’s time for TRIVIA-THON 2021!

It’s time for TRIVIA-THON 2021!

Jane's Due Process joined the National Network of Abortion Funds in 2020, and that means that this year we get to participate in Fund-a-Thon! If you've been around abortion funds for a while, this is what is usually known as bowl-a-thon, but now funds do all kinds of...

Introducing HB 3369: The My Body, My Future Bill

Introducing HB 3369: The My Body, My Future Bill

State Representative Ana-Maria Ramos Introduces the My Body, My Future Bill to Expand Youth Access to Birth Control in Texas State Representative Ana-Maria Ramos (HD 102) has filed the My Body, My Future Bill, HB 3369, to allow young people under the age of 18 in...

Learning the Lege: Who Are These People?!?!

Learning the Lege: Who Are These People?!?!

Governor, Lieutenant Governor, House, Senate...there's a lot of different roles in our state legislature, and it's not always obvious what their deal is. So let's just walk through the quick and dirty description of the roles in state government so you know who to...

How a Bill Becomes Law…or Not

How a Bill Becomes Law…or Not

In the last post we walked through how to track a bill as it moves through the legislative process -- but what's the process? Knowing what happens at each step will help you know when you need to show up and take action during the Texas legislative session. There are...

Learning the Lege: Let’s Track Bills

Learning the Lege: Let’s Track Bills

Democracy means we all have a voice in the legislative process, and being involved in the legislative session includes knowing what is on the table, when it’s being acted on, and who to contact. The legislature’s website is a bit clunky, but it has quite a lot of...
