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Texas Teens: Know your reproductive rights

Texas Teens: Know your reproductive rights

Texas has a lot of legal barriers when it comes to teens and reproductive rights. With a total abortion ban and parental consent requirement for prescription birth control, it might seem like young people don't have any reproductive rights at all. But you do! Keep...

Together we continue to show up for Texas teens

Together we continue to show up for Texas teens

After a year like 2022, that might seem next to impossible. The fall of Roe v. Wade, abortion banned in Texas, and teen birth control access through Title X undermined by a judge in Amarillo left Texas teens facing the biggest barriers to reproductive health access in...

JDP SEX TALKS: Is it okay to masturbate?

JDP SEX TALKS: Is it okay to masturbate?

Question: I've never had sex, but I recently started masturbating. But I've seen people say that it's not good for you, and sometimes I don't feel well afterward. I do enjoy it, and I feel like learning about my body and what feels good has been good for me.

Big News: We’re helping Texas teens travel for abortion access!

Big News: We’re helping Texas teens travel for abortion access!

In late February, Judge Robert Pitman issued a decision temporarily blocking prosecutions of abortion funds helping people travel out of state for abortion care. And after 10 months of being unable to support Texas teens seeking abortion, we have a big announcement....

Join the JDP Fund-a-Thon 2023 Committee!

Join the JDP Fund-a-Thon 2023 Committee!

Do you… Feel passionate about young people in Texas exercising their reproductive rights to abortion and birth control?  Believe that we should repeal parental consent laws? Think the abortion ban is absolute garbage?  Feel better knowing that Jane’s Due Process...

A letter from our outgoing executive director

A letter from our outgoing executive director

After 3 and 1/2 years as executive director, I am writing to share that have accepted a new opportunity and will be leaving the role in January 2023. It has been been an incredible joy to be part of Jane's Due Process. I have felt so lucky and honored to get to work...
