Emergency Contraception: FAQ’s
By Graci D’Amore, Program & Operations Coordinator at Jane’s Due Process What is Emergency Contraception? It’s a form of birth control that prevents pregnancy after sex–sometimes called “the morning after pill” or “plan B” (this is a particular...
Take Charge! Know Your Rights. | ¡Toma el control! Conozca sus derechos.
With or without a parent’s permission, teens under 18 in Texas have the right to: Consent to low-cost or free birth control at Title X family planning clinics. Buy condoms & contraception (Plan B) at any store, pharmacy, or online. Get tested & treated for...
How to Schedule an Appointment for Birth Control at a Title X Clinic
By Eleanor Grano, Community Outreach and Youth Engagement Coordinator at Jane’s Due Process and Paige Alexandria, a volunteer Advocate at Jane’s Due Process Title X (pronounced Title Ten) is a federal grant program that allows clinics to offer low-cost family...