Call or text our hotline: 1-866-999-5263

Free Legal Representation for Judicial Bypass

Referral Attorney Program

Jane’s Due Process provides free legal representation to any minor seeking judicial bypass for abortion. It is critical that minors seeking abortions who cannot receive parental consent receive experienced, judgment-free and fair legal representation when applying for a judicial bypass.

We have a network of referral attorneys across Texas. These attorneys are trained to take judicial bypass cases and are thus familiar and comfortable with the topic and the process.

If you want to apply for a judicial bypass, we will automatically assign you one of our attorneys. Please review our judicial bypass page for more information and then call our 24/7 hotline at 1-866-999-5263.

If you are interested in joining our network of referral attorneys, please contact us at or call our administrative line during business hours at 512-444-7891. We will be happy to provide you with training. Attorneys can file for fees from the State of Texas.