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Donate Stocks

Give Jane’s Due Process the Gift of Stock

The gift of an appreciated asset is a great way to support the work of Jane’s Due Process! Donating a highly appreciated asset may allow you to avoid a significant portion of your tax liability while still receiving a charitable deduction.

How Can I Make a Gift of Stock?

Your stock broker or bank can complete the transfer process through our E*TRADE account by calling Jane’s Due Process at (512) 444-7891.

If you hold the physical securities, you can directly mail the certificate(s) without any endorsement or assignment to:

Jane’s Due Process, Inc.
P.O. Box 685137
Austin, TX 78768-5137

Please notify us of all stock gifts to ensure secure and timely transferring.

Phone: (512) 444-7891
Mail: P.O. Box 685137
Austin, TX 78768-5137