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The first time I heard the word ‘abortion,’ I didn’t know what to think. I was around kids at my school, discussing the pregnancy of a classmate, and the debate turned to her hypothetically getting an abortion. The language they used was just them mimicking their parents, saying phrases like ‘baby killer’ or even sticking the label ‘murder’ onto this hypothetical situation. It confused me how anyone thought they could take away this choice from someone. How could one force a child on anyone, especially someone as young as 15 who might not wish to have one? As  the years went on and I realized people that I love and care for lives could be altered permanently against their will, I knew exactly what to think. It certainly does not align with what the 50 year old male politicians are trying to decide on issues that don’t even involve them. 

I cannot remember any time my school talked to us about sex-ed of any sort. In middle school, when I was probably in the 7th grade, we had a nurse come in and discuss with us sexually transmitted diseases. Of course, they didn’t touch on teenage pregnancy or any other possible outcomes. However, they continuously preached at us 10- to 13-year-olds that ‘sex is bad and will kill you.’ Along with this, we had an assembly the same year discussing underage nudes and the consequences, but once again, never explaining to us about teenage pregnancy.

As I get older in my high school career, I see people I grew up with younger than me being forced to carry a child and not continue to prioritize their own education. We need access to abortions. It’s a fundamental right to have a say in your own body. Young people should not be forced to have babies.

About The Author

The author is a high school student who tries to do a little bit of everything. She’s in debate, theatre, stucco, and basically anywhere she can to get my voice heard.