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How is JDP doing in 2017?

How is JDP doing in 2017?

Graphics & Content by Zoë Fay-Stindt What has JDP been up to? In the past six months, Jane’s Due Process has been pretty busy. Since January, our staff and volunteers have fielded over 515 calls from people concerned about their pregnancies and assisted 102 teens...

Happy Anniversary, WWH v. Hellerstedt!

Happy Anniversary, WWH v. Hellerstedt!

One year ago today, we celebrated the Supreme Court decision in Whole Woman's Health v. Hellerstedt that struck down House Bill 2, Texas's omnibus abortion bill that passed in 2013 despite Wendy Davis's filibuster. We fought against HB2 every step of the way, since it...

Volunteer Interview: Isabel

Volunteer Interview: Isabel

By Literary Women in Action In our newest Jane’s Due Process Volunteer Interview, we talk with Isabel—a 31-year-old marketing professional and former museum educator. A native of Washington State, Isabel enjoys photography, birding, visiting museums, and macaroni and...

Who gets a judicial bypass?

Who gets a judicial bypass?

By Amanda Bennett, Client Services Manager In 2016, Jane's Due Process connected 182 minors with an attorney to apply for judicial bypass for an abortion in Texas. The stories of these minors - Janes, as we call them because of their legal status as Jane Does - are as...

IUD Explained

IUD Explained

Illustration by Jim Cooke, from By Zoë Fay-Stindt I wish I had gotten my IUD sooner. I’d been on the pill for eight years before I had one inserted, and didn’t know much about them...

What is the “Global Gag Rule”?

What is the “Global Gag Rule”?

By Literary Women in Action One of President Trump’s very first actions as President was to re-instate The Global Gag Rule. What is the Global Gag Rule, what is its history, and what does it mean for women worldwide? What is the Global Gag Rule? Broadly, the Global...

How Much Will My Abortion Cost?

How Much Will My Abortion Cost?

By Catherine Shattuck. Revised and updated by Eleanor Grano, Community Outreach and Youth Engagement Coordinator at Jane's Due Process on August 24, 2019.    Figuring out how to pay for an abortion can feel overwhelming. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the cost...

Boundaries & the Foundations of Healthy Relationships

Boundaries & the Foundations of Healthy Relationships

By Zoë Fay-Stindt Image from Love is Respect All of us have been in situations that made us feel slightly uncomfortable, or like we should say yes when we don’t want to. You won’t always agree with everyone around you, and you won’t always want the same things they...

Birth Control 101

Birth Control 101

By Literary Women in Action Image from Bedsider It may be hard to imagine but there was a time when women in this country could be arrested for using birth control. Having access to affordable, safe birth control is a right that was hard won for women and is...

Reproductive Rights in Texas: A History

Reproductive Rights in Texas: A History

Image from #HereforJaneTX  By Literary Women in Action When you first start trying to get an abortion in Texas, it can seem like all the cards are stacked against you. First, there are so few clinics that it can take a week or longer to get an ultrasound appointment....
