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Jane’s Due Process Houston House Party 2018

Jane’s Due Process Houston House Party 2018

Please join Jane's Due Process in Houstin as we celebrate another year of hard work and progress among friends and allies at the home of Peggie Kohnert & Richard Yount. Guests will enjoy an open wine bar and hors d'oeuvres. Mark your calendars! Sponsorships are...

In the News: Rochelle Garza, A Voice For Jane at the Kavanaugh Hearings

In the News: Rochelle Garza, A Voice For Jane at the Kavanaugh Hearings

On Friday, September 7, one Jane's story reached the Senate Judiciary Committee thanks to Rochelle Garza, a Jane's Due Process referral attorney who was invited to share with the senators how one of Judge Kavanaugh's decisions impacted a 17-year-old asylum-seeker in...

Judicial bypass study finds process to be punishing

Judicial bypass study finds process to be punishing

By Emily (Rooke-Ley) Obront, co-author of "Young Women's Experiences Obtaining Judicial Bypass for Abortion in Texas" and former case manager at Jane's Due Process One of the most frequent questions I was asked when I ran the hotline at Jane’s Due Process was, “How...

Stories from Jane: #PeoplesLawsuit

Jane's Due Process is excited about the challenge against many of Texas's most restrictive and burdensome abortions laws filed earlier this month, known as The People's Lawsuit. This lawsuit directly effects the clients that we serve, because it seeks to eliminate...

Op-Ed: Texas’ habit of exporting bad abortion policy

Op-Ed: Texas’ habit of exporting bad abortion policy

By Tina Hester, Jane’s Due Process Published in the Corpus Christi Caller Times, May 9, 2018 Texas lawmakers habitually try to avoid discussing the “A” word — abortion. They have flashed a green light for religiously based foster care homes to fall silent when a youth...
