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In 2023, the Food and Drug Administration finally approved nonprescription daily oral contraception. For decades, birth control pills have only been available by prescription, causing barriers for teens, people without health insurance coverage, and anyone who struggles to access healthcare in the United States. For Texas teens in particular, parental consent laws mean that anyone under 18 cannot access prescription birth control, including oral contraceptives, without parental consent — even if you already have a child.

But with this change from the FDA, Texas teens can now access daily oral contraceptives, as well as condoms and plan B emergency contraceptive pills, legally in the state of Texas.

For #FreeThePill Day, we wanted to provide you with more information on Opill, the first over-the-counter daily contraceptive pills available without a prescription. No prescription necessary means young people in Texas can access Opill despite parental involvement laws.

Opill is a progestin-only pill. Unlike traditional birth control pills, Opill contains no estrogen. It’s highly effective, boasting a 98% success rate when used correctly. Plus, its progestin-only formula comes with an outstanding safety profile, minimizing potential side effects to mild symptoms like headaches, bloating, and cramping.

Opill comes in one-month, three-month, and six-month supplies, priced at $19.99, $49.99, and $89.99 respectively. If you find this to be too expensive, Perrigo, the manufacturer of Opill, offers a patient assistance program to ensure everyone can afford Opill.

If you are a young Texan who wants more information about your birth control options, text us at 866-999-5263 Monday through Friday between 8 am and 11 pm CT.