Escaping Abuse (And Never Returning): Meet Lana
At Jane’s Due Process, it’s pretty common to receive calls from teens in high school who are living with their parents in abusive or neglectful homes. Many of these young women are facing enormous uphill battles to simply make it through each day: there is often no...
Deception and Trickery at a Fake Abortion Clinic: Meet Talia
*Talia called in to Jane’s Due Process, like so many others in her position, with an uphill battle ahead of her. With a missing father and an erratic and mercurial mother, Talia, at age 15, was pretty much raising herself. A recent middle school graduate, Talia had...
Being a Teen Mom and Having an Abortion: Meet Destiny
Last year I called the Jane’s Due Process hotline when I found out I was just a few weeks pregnant. I was already a mother to a nine-month-old baby boy and a two-year-old little girl. On top of that, I was a junior in high school and the captain of the track team. I...
Crisis Pregnancy Centers and Forced Birth: Meet Gabriela
I’ll never forget *Gabriela. She was exceptionally well-mannered, sweet, and timid. Her voice quivered a bit when she first spoke—no doubt out of nervousness—but aside from that she was very self-assured. Gabriela lived with her grandmother, *Lita, who had raised her...