At 17, I Had an Abortion in Texas. Here’s Why Paxton Smith’s Speech Matters to Me.
By Anna, Jane’s Due Process Advocacy Fellow “I am terrified that if my contraceptives fail, I am terrified that if I am raped, then my hopes and aspirations and dreams and efforts for my future will no longer matter.” These words spoken during Paxton Smith’s...
Take Action: Make A Public Comment Opposing HB 1171!
House Bill 1171 is an appalling bill that would allow the appointment of a guardian or attorney ad litem for the fetus in a judicial bypass proceeding. HB 1171 has a public hearing this Wed, March 31 at 8am in the House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence committee. We...
Take Charge! Know Your Rights. | ¡Toma el control! Conozca sus derechos.
With or without a parent’s permission, teens under 18 in Texas have the right to: Consent to low-cost or free birth control at Title X family planning clinics. Buy condoms & contraception (Plan B) at any store, pharmacy, or online. Get tested & treated for...
U.S. Supreme Court upholds abortion access!
Today the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the right to abortion by striking down several anti-abortion laws in Louisiana. We celebrate the incredible clinics, providers and advocates in Louisiana who led this fight. Join us by supporting independent abortion clinics in...