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Are you a young person in Texas who wants to write about abortion access, birth control, sex education, and other topics related to reproductive rights and justice? Jane’s Due Process is looking for middle and high school students from all around the state to write for our blog!

Click here to pitch your topic! We’re looking for posts about your personal experiences with topics like sex education, birth control access, abortion, pregnancy during high school, and other topics related to youth reproductive health, rights, and justice. Posts must affirm a person’s right to access all forms of sexual and reproductive health and information. Strong preference will be shown for pieces that discuss the intersections of youth reproductive health and racial, gender, sexual, immigrant, disability, and/or economic justice, as well as regional diversity around the state of Texas. We do not accept pitches or posts with an anti-abortion, anti-birth control, or anti-sex ed stance, or that shame or stigmatize young parents or young people who engage in sexual activity. We are not looking for posts about young people written by adults.

After you pitch your topic, we will determine if it fits within our guidelines for the blog. If it does, we will work with you as you craft your piece, providing editing before posting. And we pay $100 per posted blog post. Check out the submission form for more specifics on the process.