Is that smell normal? How do I tell my partner what I don’t like without hurting their feelings? I’m unsure about my sexuality — what should I do?
It’s normal to have questions about sex, especially if you’re young and just beginning to explore these questions for yourself. Well the JDP resident sexpert is here to help you navigate whatever is on your mind regarding sex. Your questions will be completely confidential.
Jane’s Due Process was founded in 2001 to help Texas teens navigate parental involvement laws and access abortion through the judicial bypass process. Since then we’ve expanded our programs to include birth control access information as well. We believe all teens have the right to make their own sexual and reproductive decisions free from stigma and shame. If you’re a teen and you have questions about sex, we want to hear from you. Fill out the form below.
If you have questions about abortion, call or text us at 866-999-5263. If you’re in Lubbock, Bryan/College Station, or San Angelo and would like to request a repro kit containing free plan b, pregnancy tests, condoms, and sexual health information, text us at 866-999-5263.