Call or text our hotline: 1-866-999-5263

Our Services

Abortion Funding and Practical Support for Teens

We will coordinate and provide funding for Texas teens traveling out of state for abortion care.

Birth Control Text Line

Texas teens with questions about birth control access can text us Monday – Friday between 8 am and 11 pm CT and receive confidential information anonymously.

Free 24/7 Hotline

Our hotline is always available to answer your questions. You can call 866-999-5263, or send a text message to the same number, 866-999-5263, to speak with a trained volunteer. 

Repro Kits

Teens in various Texas communities can get free and confidential emergency contraception, pregnancy tests, condoms, and repro health and rights information through our text line. 

Emancipation Information

Emancipation means that you are considered a legal adult even though you are under 18. If you are emancipated, you are responsible for yourself financially and legally.

Know Your Rights

Whether you’re a teen or a youth service professional, check out our up-to-date information on how young people can exercise their reproductive rights in Texas.

Title IX

If you are a pregnant teen, you have rights to education under Title IX. Find out more about your right to stay in school and finish your education.

Experiencing Abuse?

If you are experiencing abuse, check out our list of resources. There is help available.

Still Have Questions?

Email us at